Who We Are
Reaching out together to make disciples who love, serve and grow
in Christ!
History: Victory Baptist Church began September 7, 1975 in the community of Macedonia, South Carolina. One acre from an old cornfield was given to the church to place a doublewide trailer as a place of worship. Victory called its first full time pastor in 1976. Church attendance grew and the church was given two more acres to start building a sanctuary and learning center on August 7, 1976. Within a year and six months the new sanctuary was finished and we had our first service inside on Easter Morning. The doublewide trailer that was used for worship services became our parsonage.
Through the years Victory Baptist Church has had great times of joy together as well as great times of sorrow, but God was always there to show us His love and mercy. During the year of 1997 Victory added its second staff position, Church Secretary, and again in 1998 with its third, Youth Pastor. Attendance was growing so greatly we had to have two morning services. That same year we voted to start building a new sanctuary and an additional one and one fourth acre was given to the church to make room for the new sanctuary and social hall. The project took two years with much hard work and the help of many other churches. The old church was turned into the youth center and has been opened to the community as a place for anyone to come and have good clean fun. In July of 2005 Victory added it’s fourth staff position, Associate Pastor, to help with the growing need for outreach ministries. Today Victory Baptist Church is a church that strives to teach the Word of God with love and boldness and to proclaim Christ our King. Who would have ever guessed that God was going to work His wonders in the middle of an old cornfield? |
Misson and Purpose StatementBelieving that the Holy Bible is the infallible, inspired word of God and is our authority for being a Missionary Baptist Church, we band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in the Lord Jesus Christ for the purpose of Worship, Fellowship, and proclaiming the good news of salvation to all mankind, baptizing the believers, and teaching all the Word of God as commissioned by our Lord in Matthew 28:19.
Worship TeamRandy Tanner (Hymn Leader)
Brenda Morris (Pianist) |
More about us...
Victory Baptist Church has a very diverse congregation, full of men and women willing to do God’s work. Victory ministers to nearly 400 people, from our own members to our neighbors in the community, through the many different ministries we have here. We are a church who is dedicated to taking care of our communities spiritual and physical needs.
Victory Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.
All administration and organization of the church is stated in the church constitution and by laws. All of our church ministries and functions are helped and led by the church officers, committees, selected leaders, and our members. The pastor is responsible for teaching God’s Word and ministering to His flock. Victory also has a deacon board full of men who will love and support their pastor and help him in any way to glorify Jesus Christ.
Property and Premises
Victory Baptist Church sits on 4 1/4 acres in Macedonia, South Carolina, about thirty miles from Charleston. Our Buildings consist of our worship center and education facilities, youth building, fellowship hall, basketball court and a new playground for all ages.
Victory Baptist Church is totally geared toward spreading the love and joy of Jesus Christ. Our Church services are: Sunday morning, which includes Sunday school and our regular worship service, Sunday night, and Wednesday night bible study. We have excellent youth programs for every age and gender, a worship team, and many hard working teachers who are willing to study diligently to lead their Sunday school classes.
We have a Men’s Brotherhood and Women’s Mission Union that our men and women of the church can come and spend a great time of fellowship with one another. We have a new Family Assistance Ministry to help those in the community that are under spiritual, physical, or financial burdens.
Be sure to check out this interview with Rev. Chris Peagler from 2016:
Victory Baptist Church has a very diverse congregation, full of men and women willing to do God’s work. Victory ministers to nearly 400 people, from our own members to our neighbors in the community, through the many different ministries we have here. We are a church who is dedicated to taking care of our communities spiritual and physical needs.
Victory Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.
All administration and organization of the church is stated in the church constitution and by laws. All of our church ministries and functions are helped and led by the church officers, committees, selected leaders, and our members. The pastor is responsible for teaching God’s Word and ministering to His flock. Victory also has a deacon board full of men who will love and support their pastor and help him in any way to glorify Jesus Christ.
Property and Premises
Victory Baptist Church sits on 4 1/4 acres in Macedonia, South Carolina, about thirty miles from Charleston. Our Buildings consist of our worship center and education facilities, youth building, fellowship hall, basketball court and a new playground for all ages.
Victory Baptist Church is totally geared toward spreading the love and joy of Jesus Christ. Our Church services are: Sunday morning, which includes Sunday school and our regular worship service, Sunday night, and Wednesday night bible study. We have excellent youth programs for every age and gender, a worship team, and many hard working teachers who are willing to study diligently to lead their Sunday school classes.
We have a Men’s Brotherhood and Women’s Mission Union that our men and women of the church can come and spend a great time of fellowship with one another. We have a new Family Assistance Ministry to help those in the community that are under spiritual, physical, or financial burdens.
Be sure to check out this interview with Rev. Chris Peagler from 2016: